Couple life

christmas up north (well the midlands) pt.2

  Daley: For Natalie and I this isn’t our first Christmas spent together but its definitely the highlight of my 2015. Last year we were about to move to where we are now, I was having to travel between being with Natalie and my family as I hadn’t come out to my parents but wanted… Continue reading christmas up north (well the midlands) pt.2

Couple life

christmas up north (well the midlands) pt 1.

Natalie: Hell Bunny Hermeline Dress, eBay, £39.99 Daley: Shirt-Primark Braces- Gifted, Bow Tie- Mickey Mouse Collection @ Primark 2015 was our second Christmas spent together drastically different but equally as special and exciting as the last. This year we decided to take the plunge and try and celebrate with family, Christmas with the Punters *cue dramatic… Continue reading christmas up north (well the midlands) pt 1.